We have many reasons to love New Orleans, from the amazing food and architecture to the southern hospitality and good friends and family. It’s our home away from home, and we always find reasons to return as often as we can and look forward to attending the annual Tales of the Cocktail conference each summer (July 20-24 this year)
We enjoy visiting Chef Nina Compton’s Compère Lapin for the Carribbean spiced food and to see the smiling face of Abigail Gullo who tends to her bar and to her customers with the same generous enthusiasm. A transplant from the North, Abigail’s colorful style and charm fit right at home in the Big Easy.
During our interview with Abigail we learned her theatrical training (her college major) has served her well on her current stage, the bar, where she says she’s learned to listen to her customers and read person’s body language to decide what cocktail to make.
When Abigail’s not behind the bar at Compère Lapin she’s behind her computer screen blogging at www.ryegirlnyc.blogspot.com, petting her dog, Ronnie, and dreaming of singing in a rock-n-roll band.

Abigail was recently named Heaven Hill Brands Bartender of the Year, winning $15,000. Now that’s heavenly!
Wednesday, July 13, 2pmEST, on The Connected Table LIVE! on W4CY. Listen here one the iHeart.com and the free iHeart App.